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New Injection Molding Machine and Production Robot Provides Confidence

A new injection molding machine and production robot at Mold-Tech Portugal in Porto, offer customers an unprecedented level of convenience, confidence and speed-to-market from one of our busiest European facilities.

The newly installed Engel 2000 ton injection machine can accommodate mid to large size molds and is outfitted with a Sepro robot that can verify manufacturing production cycles. By bringing this technology in-house, Porto now offers complete beginning-to-end services for texturing and finishing tools without having to ship mold cavities back and forth to the production site for testing. This new service saves time and the expense of shipping costs, and instead provides the assurance that when the tool is delivered, it has been completely optimized for manufacturing – from a single source.

Customers can now ship the entire mold to Porto instead of just the cavity, saving the time it takes to disassemble the tool prior to shipping. Our technicians remove only the parts from the mold that need to be textured; they are engraved and then cleaned; and finally reassembled to be tested in the injection machine for optimal performance. Any imperfections such as scuffing, drag, burring at parting lines and changes in gloss levels are immediately identified and then corrected during the injection and production run testing, all done completely on-site.

Production runs can be simulated by using a robot. After the part is molded the robot removes it from the injection machine, places it on a conveyor belt and then repositions itself to retrieve the next part. This process provides an accurate reading of production rates whether the part will be handled by a similar robot or operators at the manufacturing facility. This added convenience ensures that the mold has been run and proofed in industrial conditions.

With the addition of these machines, Standex Engraving Mold-Tech continues to invest in the latest technology to provide One Partner solutions for our customers, delivering convenience and peace-of-mind every step of the way.

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